South Carolina Fake ID

South Carolina Fake ID


South Carolina fake ID is scannable and includes every replicated security feature to make the card identical to a real state issued driver license. Free duplicate with every fake id card ordered from Bogusbraxtor.

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South Carolina Fake ID Features:

  • Teslin – Card stock is the exact same material a real issued driver license is printed on.
  • Rainbow Printing – Feature that allows one color to change to another before transitioning back to the original color.
  • Optical Variable Ink – Moving the card left to right or front to back the ink changes color.
  • Microprint – Miniature text viewed best under magnification.
  • Ultra Violet Ink – Identical to the real issued UV design can be seen under black light on the front of the card.
  • Laser Perforation – Perforated palmetto tree and crescent moon. Shine light behind the card and see a perfect outline that will pass any security check.
  • Scannable 2D Barcode – We encode correctly with your data, so your card will 100% scan on any capable license reader.
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